
Hi, MM ~

Thanks for being available for others to receive your prayers --for being a COD (Christian on Duty)!


If someone asks you to pray for something you believe may not turn out to be in their best interest in the long run  -- for instance "Pray for me that God gives me more money to -- by drugs, alcohol  --that I have luck when I gamble at the casino, that I win my brother's wife because I am who she should be with..." --etc, these requests most likely are not supported by your faith because our prayers are to be rooted in our reference: biblical principles and prayers.  These requests for prayers don't quite qualify.


Hi, SB ~


Thanks for being available for others to receive your prayers --for being a COD (Christian on Duty)!


If someone starts to talk to you about or asks you to pray for something you do not agree with or believe in:


Do not become preachy or judgmental. At some point, most of us have probably had a belief system that did not line up with what wise schoolteachers or our parents or the Bible teaches.


Unless the person asked you to lead them to know the Lord, don't -- only because a willing heart is in faith and, therefore, otherwise that heart is not ready to receive, and we are not there to debate or argue. We were not forced; to walk with the Lord; you should not force anyone else. So do not say “ oughta repent before the Lord!!" 


For instance, someone asks you to pray that their abortion goes well, but you do not believe abortion is God’s perfect will for the mother or the baby.  You cannot override someone else’s will or beliefs  –even in praying for that person. 

I would say, “Well, I don’t know of a Bible scripture that prays for such procedures but I do know of those that are God’s will for your well-being.  May I pray that instead?”  


Then I would offer any number of scriptures that provide words when praying for someone’s physical, mental or spiritual well-being and healing.  (I look up scriptures using the Bible Gateway app – there are other Bible apps as well.)